
[mkdf_section_title title=”Social Media Marketing Agency in Delhi and Noida” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”][mkdf_section_subtitle color=”#ffffff” text_align=”” text=”We, Manush Digitech Pvt. Ltd., are a top-notch social media marketing agency in Delhi and Noida. And as a results-driven social media marketing agency, we offer a variety of individual/customized services based on our client’s requirements. Our service mainly focuses on marketing your brand/product/service on top social media apps/sites which includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Google Plus.” width=”78″]
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social media marketing agency in delhi
[mkdf_button size=”” type=”” hover_type=”” target=”_self” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”300″ text=”Contact Us” link=”https://manushdigitech.com/contact-us/”]
[mkdf_section_title title=”How we work as a social media marketing agency in Delhi and Noida?” title_color=”” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”medium”][mkdf_section_subtitle color=”” text_align=”center” text=”“Social media marketing,” this term has now long been in the eyes of every businessman. And it has proved itself to be perfectly viable and ROI-positive enough for all the type of companies (either small or large, B2C or B2B). Therefore, the question now is not “Should we do social media or not?” The question is “How and How well should we do this?” And here’s where we come in the picture.
Now, lets know more about our services as a social media marketing agency in Delhi and Noida, and let’s discuss on what social platforms we use to promote your business.” width=”78″]
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facebook marketing
[mkdf_section_title title=”Facebook Marketing” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

The volume of people on the Facebook is unparalleled. With more than 2 Billion active users, Facebook is the king of social media.

This means that if your customer owns a mobile phone, he most probably is on Facebook.

In short, we as a social media marketing agency will choose Facebook over any other social media when the volume of the people matters (which in most of the cases does).

Additionally, due to Facebook’s in-depth targeting capabilities, we can get directly in front of the right audience. Hence, Facebook is essential from a social media marketing perspective.

[mkdf_section_title title=”Twitter Marketing” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

When it comes to public interactions, nothing comes close to the Twitter. Twitter is one such platform where you can have a communication with literally anyone.

Hence, if one of your customers or a potential customer wants to have a public-interaction with you, then Twitter is the place they will go.

Having a live twitter account is an asset because it builds relationships, connects with customers, creates brand awareness, and attracts feedbacks. Additionally, and apparently, one can share their blogs, offers, and services to generate sales via Twitter.

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twitter marketing
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instagram marketing in delhi
[mkdf_section_title title=”Instagram Marketing” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

In marketing, attention is the asset. Period. When we talk about awareness on social media, Instagram is the one that comes to mind.

Let’s look it from a user’s perspective. A normal human brain tends to process images 60,000 times faster than text, and a picture can speak a thousand words. Therefore, a considerable influence can be made on the people’s brain regarding your brand using proper images.

Most of the millennials, if given an option to use only one social media they will choose Instagram. Also, if volume matters, Instagram is the third most used social media as compared with Facebook & YouTube.

Moreover, from a business’s aspect; on Instagram, the interaction of people with the brand is 10x of Facebook and 84x of Twitter.

Hence, we as a social media marketing agency prefer Instagram over any other social media when the target audience for your product/service is under 35 because 70% of the Instagram audience lies below this age limit.

[mkdf_section_title title=”YouTube Marketing” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

After the Jio-effect in India, the number of YouTube consumers or video-watching people has massively increased. Also, from the volume perspective, YouTube has the second most user-base after Facebook by amounting its total to 1.3 billion.

As discussed, attention is the asset. And naturally, the attention on video content is more compared to any other forms. If video creation & marketing is done correctly on YouTube, a quality community can be built.

You can show your expertise on YouTube and leverage the trust of people in selling your products/services. If you don’t want to create videos/community and directly sell your product/service, then an enormous amount of YouTube Influencers can be found in any niche.

Hence, from a marketing perspective, YouTube is essential.

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youtube marketing
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google plus marketing
[mkdf_section_title title=”Google Plus Marketing” title_color=”#ffffff” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

If compared to the other social media, Google Plus is nothing. But still, we use Google Plus for marketing because it has already-established communities which can be leveraged from the very first day.

Also, when looked from an SEO perspective, shares on Google-plus has upper-edge than others for Google’s algorithm.

Therefore, as one the best Social Media Agencies in Delhi and Noida, we share your content to the most relevant Google Plus Communities for more exposure of your business.

[mkdf_custom_font custom_font_tag=”h2″ font_weight=”300″ text_align=”center” content_custom_font=”Why Choose Us for Your Social Media Marketing?”][mkdf_section_subtitle color=”” text_align=”center” text=”We are the only Social Media Marketing Agency in Delhi and Noida that guarantees genuine results. Below are a few points which answers why we are the best SMM Company in Delhi.” width=””]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Social Media Pages” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”We create and optimize all social media pages of your business. Be it Facebook, G+, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube etc.” custom_icon=”3560″]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Hashtag Research” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”Before promoting your business on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, we do relevant hashtag research for better results.” custom_icon=”3559″]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Regular Page Posts” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”To maintain the visibility of your business and a good reputation, we update all your social media pages on a regular basis.” custom_icon=”3556″]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Influencing Images” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”To influence your target audience, we create and share engaging images on your social pages. For example: Memes, Quotes, etc.” custom_icon=”3555″]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Relevant Communities” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”We don’t just share your posts on your official pages, but also in relevant social communities for genuine social signals.” custom_icon=”3557″]
[mkdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”mkdf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”Social Signals” title_text_transform=”” title_text_font_weight=”300″ text=”We are the only SMM Company that do not take your money to show you fake numbers and hence provide genuine social signals.” custom_icon=”3558″]
[mkdf_call_to_action full_width=”yes” content_in_grid=”yes” grid_size=”75″ type=”normal” show_button=”yes” button_type=”” button_hover_type=”” button_hover_animation=”” button_position=”center” button_icon_pack=”” button_text=”Contact Us” button_link=”https://manushdigitech.com/contact-us/” box_background_color=”#508bbf”]Now you know our expertise in the field and the service we provide. So, if you are looking for a Social Media Marketing Agency in Delhi or Noida, to maintain the online presence of your business, then make sure to contact us now.[/mkdf_call_to_action]